Wounded Warrior Project

20th Anniversary Campaign

For 20 years, Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) has been helping post-9/11 veterans achieve what’s possible. Making a first step a second time. Making families whole. Making uphill climbs and down-to-earth friendships. Making strides in legislation. As long as there are warriors, WWP helps them overcome challenges and realize what’s possible.

To increase awareness, the “20 Years of Possible” platform lets the voices of the warriors tell us what is possible along their journeys of strength and healing. The story is one of optimism and hope. Determined and confident. Not filtered or polished. It’s just a raw and honest reflection of their strength and telling their story of how they achieved the possible.

 4x :15s, :4x 30s, and :60 videos, digital & social ads, interactive landing pages, and templates & guidelines for print, flyers, invitations.


Wounded Warrior Project